Miss Alexandra, DC Virginia Dominatrix FAQ

Q. I am really new. Help me!
A. See this page, written especially for new submissives or those who find they are getting negative responses from dommes, professional or otherwise.

Q. Can we meet just to talk?
A. It's understandable to be a bit nervous. Perhaps you just want someone to talk to about your fantasies, at least initially. Or perhaps you want to see me in person before committing to a play session. I would be happy to meet you at a restaurant near my playroom. I w
ill ask for $100 on arrival. If you follow through with a play session the same day, half of that will go toward your session fee. If you follow through with a play session on another day, $25 will be applied to your session fee.

This is me spanking a dirty little slut at one of my private parties. Don't worry, I wouldn't use a metal implement on YOU. Or would I? --->
Q. What is your phone number?
A. I do not want unexpected calls. I will exchange numbers once we have a date to facilitate meeting. If it is important to you I will talk on the phone very briefly after receiving your application to assure you I am real, but you must give me a number to call when it is convenient for me. If there are restrictions on when you can talk, just tell me and I will respect your limits 100% Note that I will not discuss anything "exciting" except in a planned phone session.

Q. Do you do telephone or cam sessions?
A. I rarely do video sessions, although it's not entirely impossible. I will arrange a phone session for $1 per minute, paid in advance with a gift card.

Q. Are you on Twitter or Facebook?
"X" is a cesspool and my Facebook account is reserved for very vanilla things.

Q. Are you on Fetlife?
Yes, I am miss-alexandra on Fetlife.

Q. Will you play with a couple?
Absolutely. I enjoy playing with women as well as men. There is no extra charge but it's advisable to book more than an hour.

Q. Do you play with novices?
A. Yes. But please discuss your fantasies frankly. If you have no idea what interests you and "just want to be dominated" this may not be right for you. I suggest booking a phone or chat session to discuss this and try to determine what you are really looking for.

Q. Do you require deposits?
A. I offer a 20% discount for those who make an advance deposit. I require deposits for sessions outside the Washington metro area, for some sessions involving a third person and for playmates who have been no-shows or short-notice cancellations in the past.

Q. What is your cancellation policy? If you cancel with less than 24 hours notice any deposit is forfeited, and a deposit will be mandatory for future meetings unless I am convinced you have a good reason. If you cancel with less than two hours notice a deposit will be required for future meetings and you must pay a cancellation fee of $50 when booking another session. How this applies if you reschedule for a different date is case-by-case.

Q. Can I meet you at an event?
A. I am a regular at Dark Odyssey events (www.darkodyssey.com). I sometimes go to the Crucible or to local munches. I will make special plans to meet you at a happy hour for a $100 fee. Half will apply to any session booked within a month of our meeting. I can also meet you at the Crucible under similar conditions.